Employees of companies at Industriepark Höchst must go through a one-time registration process to gain access to the extranet with its park news, current messages, contact details and other services.
You only need to enter your business e-mail address to register. We will follow our data privacy policy whenever using the data provided in your profile.
Infraserv Höchst's customers can also register.
You can also access the extranet from a tablet, smartphone or other devices if you provide a business e-mail address and a password.
Infraserv Höchst supplies electricity and natural gas with flexible and needs-based pricing, delivery models and contract terms.
Infraserv Höchst can supply the electricity and/or natural gas up to your point of consumption (we handle use of system charges) or up to our balancing group (you handle use of system charges).
You can choose among various pricing models and contract terms. We will work with you to devise the best-possible utilities solution for your specific electricity and/or natural gas needs and desired level of risk management. We can lock in future supply prices or develop flexible, market-driven pricing models backstopped by a hedging option. Carbon-neutral electricity is available as well. Leverage our longstanding experience in electricity and natural gas markets.