Employees of companies at Industriepark Höchst must go through a one-time registration process to gain access to the extranet with its park news, current messages, contact details and other services.
You only need to enter your business e-mail address to register. We will follow our data privacy policy whenever using the data provided in your profile.
Infraserv Höchst's customers can also register.
You can also access the extranet from a tablet, smartphone or other devices if you provide a business e-mail address and a password.
Process4Sustainability climate-neutral process industry in Hesse
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Here we share regular updates on events, developments within the process industry and at Industriepark Höchst and share results of our cluster activities.
We have identified 12 levers for reducing Industriepark Höchst´s carbon footprint. These levers are systematically evaluated from a technical, economic, regulatory and market perspective. New developments are identified and their relevance for companies in Hesse is assessed. Various dialogue formats are used for this purpose:
Working groups on the focus topics (e.g. defossilization of the energy supply; defossilization of the raw material supply) and for joint project development of cross-company cooperation.
In monthly “Zukunftswerkstätten” (“future labs”), external experts report on current regulatory, market and political developments. These are then jointly assessed in terms of their relevance for Hesse
Technology Deep Dive Workshops and Technology Roundtable formats are used to analyse the described levers in detail.