Employees of companies at Industriepark Höchst must go through a one-time registration process to gain access to the extranet with its park news, current messages, contact details and other services.
You only need to enter your business e-mail address to register. We will follow our data privacy policy whenever using the data provided in your profile.
Infraserv Höchst's customers can also register.
You can also access the extranet from a tablet, smartphone or other devices if you provide a business e-mail address and a password.
Safety comes first in the lab. That's why several regulations require annual inspections of laboratory safety equipment.
Infraserv Höchst's instrument testing team can inspect fume extractors, laboratory fume hoods and cabinets for solvents, chemicals and compressed gas cyclinders and can label the inspected systems as required, including preparing all the documentation required by law.
If we notice any problems, we will correct them immediately if you wish and schedule follow-up inspections. That way, you can rest assured that your laboratory will always meet legal safety requirements.