Employees of companies at Industriepark Höchst must go through a one-time registration process to gain access to the extranet with its park news, current messages, contact details and other services.
You only need to enter your business e-mail address to register. We will follow our data privacy policy whenever using the data provided in your profile.
Infraserv Höchst's customers can also register.
You can also access the extranet from a tablet, smartphone or other devices if you provide a business e-mail address and a password.
Deutsche Bahn has been operating public bus services for over 30 years. DB Regio Bus Mitte GmbH is one of the largest companies in Deutsche Bahn's bus group. Roughly 1,500 drivers in 950 buses transport over 100 million passengers a year: around 60% of them are students and vocational trainees; 40% are commuters and occasional passengers. It serves rural areas as well as cities such as Frankfurt and provides both regular route service as well as innovative demand-responsive transportation. With its local roots and many years in the marketplace, DB Regio Bus Mitte GmbH knows the region's transit needs in exquisite detail. The company works with local governments and the regional public transit operator to provide a wide range of bus services for its customers.