
31.05.2017 | Press Release
Initiatives in Höchst and Unterliederbach receive EUR 37,850 in funding
Infraserv Höchst’s donation program supports clubs, schools and preschools in western Frankfurt
Infraserv Höchst operates its own donation program in order to encourage civic engagement and to bolster education, culture and integration projects. The funds mainly target the neighborhoods and communities surrounding Industriepark Höchst. This year, the focus is on Höchst and Unterliederbach.
The first round of donations is complete. At the donation check presentation ceremony held at the Jahrhunderthalle convention center on May 30, Wolfhart Burdenski, the Head of Human Resources at Infraserv Höchst, praised the extensive participation in the donation program: “This year’s applications were fascinating. I’m thrilled that we’re able to support so many interesting, meaningful projects – including a painting course featuring the local community, planned language classes for refugees and support programs for the siblings of disabled children.” Burdenski presented EUR 37,850 in donation checks to 39 institutions and initiatives.
Projects about culture, education and Integration
Infraserv Höchst’s donation program focuses on supporting cultural projects, improving education in schools through new technologies and promoting social integration, particularly for teenagers and senior citizens. Donations are intended as start-up financing for new projects. Once launched, the projects will ideally sustain themselves for a long time to come. The gifts are concentrated among the communities that surround Industriepark Höchst. Each year, EUR 75,000 is given to projects and initiatives in two to three districts in western Frankfurt or the city of Kelsterbach. The districts rotate in a four-year cycle. Clubs, schools, preschools and initiatives in Höchst and Unterliederbach can still apply in 2017.
Donations are distributed in two rounds of funding per year. An independent advisory board selects projects and initiatives to fund and decides how much funding to provide. In 2017, the advisory board consists of: Christoph Brum and Hubert Schmitt, who chair the umbrella associations for clubs in Höchst and Unterliederbach; Holger Vonhof from Höchster Kreisblatt, a local newspaper; and Kirsten Mayer and Wolfhart Burdenski from Infraserv Höchst.
Second round for 2017: applications accepted until August 4
Höchst and Unterliederbach will continue to receive donations in 2017. Clubs, schools, preschools and initiatives from these districts can submit their applications for the second round of donations until Friday, August 4, 2017, preferably online at www.ihr-nachbar.de/spendenformular (in German only) or in writing.
Applications should contain a project description, the applicant's contact address, a requested funding amount, a breakdown of how the funds will be used, and a guarantee that the project will benefit the public. Ongoing expenses such as rent or salaries are not eligible for funding.
In 2018, the Infraserv donation program will depart from its usual four-year cycle and turn to Nied and Sossenheim. These two districts will be celebrating their 800th anniversary next year and are to be given the opportunity to request funding for their octocentennial celebrations. In 2019, funds will once again be distributed among projects in Sindlingen, Zeilsheim and Kelsterbach.
To learn more about the donation program (in German only):
Send applications and questions to:
Kirsten Mayer, Infraserv Höchst, Corporate Development and Communications
Industriepark Höchst, Building C 770, 65926 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69 305-14500, Fax: +49 69 305-80025
E-mail: [email protected]
More information and online forms:
The following projects received funding in the first half of 2017:
Höchst district:
1. Musikverein: music for kids
2. Stiftergemeinschaft Justinuskirche Höchst e.V.: catalog creation and printing
3. DLRG Frankfurt-Höchst: new CPR dummy
4. Förderkreis des Klinikums Frankfurt Höchst: cribs for post-natal units
5. Krabbelstube Sausebraus: new outdoor playground
6. Kultur- und Museumsverein Bolongaro e.V.: Bolongaro tapestry
7. Höchster Kanuclub “Wiking” 1921 e.V.: beginner’s canoeing class, pool training
8. Vereinsring Frankfurt Höchst: roof for outdoor stage
9. Kinderzentrum Gerlachstraße: languages of the world
10. Kinder- und Familienzentrum Sonnenwind: music brings us together
11. Höchster Schwimmverein 1893 e.V.: new diving equipment
12. Kinderzentrum Peter-Fischer-Allee: 4th family health fair
13. Kulturförderung Höchst e.V.: tents for cultural events
14. Hostatoschule: school garden
15. Evangelisches Familienzentrum Höchst: exercise and health programs
16. Förderverein der Paul-Ehrlich-Schule: media-based language classes in Höchst
17. Praunheimer Werkstätten gemeinnützige GmbH: trip to amusement park
18. Nachsorgeteam Rückenwind: programs for siblings of disabled children
19. SG 01 Hoechst e.V.: support for youth team
20. Peña Flamenca los Cabales: new dance clothing
Unterliederbach district:
21. Gesangverein Liedertafel “Worzel”: choir practice weekend and concert
22. Verein Caritas der Gemeinde St. Johannes: church in nature – the adventure of faith
23. Katholische Pfarrei St. Johannes: church courtyard atmosphere
24. Verein der Freunde und Förderer der evangelischen Kindertagesstätte am Liederbach e.V.: music and language (music education for young children)
25. Höchster Tennis- und Hockey-Club 1899 e.V.: repair of 2 field hockey goals for the HTHC youth hockey team
26. Sportschützenverein 1955: laser training system
27. Freundes- und Förderkreis der DPS: replace the roof for the barbecue station
28. Karl-Leo Schneeweis-Stiftung: Unterliederbach stories
29. Musikverein Unterliederbach e.V.: music stands with club banners
30. VfB Unterliederbach: soccer balls and summer camp
31. Vereinsring Unterliederbach e.V.: furniture for the Unterliederbach umbrella organization’s clubhouse
32. Förderverein Freunde der Walter Kolb Schule e.V.: teaching materials for science classes
33. Kleingartenverein Unterliederbach e.V.: construction of a new club office
34. Nachbarschaftsverein Unterliederbach e.V.: painting class – my district / my home
35. Freie Kinderschule Unterliederbach: children’s swimming lessons
36. Turngemeinde Unterliederbach 1887 e.V.: mirrored wall
37. Schachclub Frankfurt-West e.V.: replacement chess clocks
38. AWO Perspektiven gGmbH Schulbetreuung an der Walter-Kolb-Schule: construction and painting of a garden shed
39. Förderverein der Ludwig-Erhard-Schule: meeting place for students of Ludwig-Erhard-Schule
The first round of donations is complete. At the donation check presentation ceremony held at the Jahrhunderthalle convention center on May 30, Wolfhart Burdenski, the Head of Human Resources at Infraserv Höchst, praised the extensive participation in the donation program: “This year’s applications were fascinating. I’m thrilled that we’re able to support so many interesting, meaningful projects – including a painting course featuring the local community, planned language classes for refugees and support programs for the siblings of disabled children.” Burdenski presented EUR 37,850 in donation checks to 39 institutions and initiatives.
Projects about culture, education and Integration
Infraserv Höchst’s donation program focuses on supporting cultural projects, improving education in schools through new technologies and promoting social integration, particularly for teenagers and senior citizens. Donations are intended as start-up financing for new projects. Once launched, the projects will ideally sustain themselves for a long time to come. The gifts are concentrated among the communities that surround Industriepark Höchst. Each year, EUR 75,000 is given to projects and initiatives in two to three districts in western Frankfurt or the city of Kelsterbach. The districts rotate in a four-year cycle. Clubs, schools, preschools and initiatives in Höchst and Unterliederbach can still apply in 2017.
Donations are distributed in two rounds of funding per year. An independent advisory board selects projects and initiatives to fund and decides how much funding to provide. In 2017, the advisory board consists of: Christoph Brum and Hubert Schmitt, who chair the umbrella associations for clubs in Höchst and Unterliederbach; Holger Vonhof from Höchster Kreisblatt, a local newspaper; and Kirsten Mayer and Wolfhart Burdenski from Infraserv Höchst.
Second round for 2017: applications accepted until August 4
Höchst and Unterliederbach will continue to receive donations in 2017. Clubs, schools, preschools and initiatives from these districts can submit their applications for the second round of donations until Friday, August 4, 2017, preferably online at www.ihr-nachbar.de/spendenformular (in German only) or in writing.
Applications should contain a project description, the applicant's contact address, a requested funding amount, a breakdown of how the funds will be used, and a guarantee that the project will benefit the public. Ongoing expenses such as rent or salaries are not eligible for funding.
In 2018, the Infraserv donation program will depart from its usual four-year cycle and turn to Nied and Sossenheim. These two districts will be celebrating their 800th anniversary next year and are to be given the opportunity to request funding for their octocentennial celebrations. In 2019, funds will once again be distributed among projects in Sindlingen, Zeilsheim and Kelsterbach.
To learn more about the donation program (in German only):
Send applications and questions to:
Kirsten Mayer, Infraserv Höchst, Corporate Development and Communications
Industriepark Höchst, Building C 770, 65926 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 69 305-14500, Fax: +49 69 305-80025
E-mail: [email protected]
More information and online forms:
The following projects received funding in the first half of 2017:
Höchst district:
1. Musikverein: music for kids
2. Stiftergemeinschaft Justinuskirche Höchst e.V.: catalog creation and printing
3. DLRG Frankfurt-Höchst: new CPR dummy
4. Förderkreis des Klinikums Frankfurt Höchst: cribs for post-natal units
5. Krabbelstube Sausebraus: new outdoor playground
6. Kultur- und Museumsverein Bolongaro e.V.: Bolongaro tapestry
7. Höchster Kanuclub “Wiking” 1921 e.V.: beginner’s canoeing class, pool training
8. Vereinsring Frankfurt Höchst: roof for outdoor stage
9. Kinderzentrum Gerlachstraße: languages of the world
10. Kinder- und Familienzentrum Sonnenwind: music brings us together
11. Höchster Schwimmverein 1893 e.V.: new diving equipment
12. Kinderzentrum Peter-Fischer-Allee: 4th family health fair
13. Kulturförderung Höchst e.V.: tents for cultural events
14. Hostatoschule: school garden
15. Evangelisches Familienzentrum Höchst: exercise and health programs
16. Förderverein der Paul-Ehrlich-Schule: media-based language classes in Höchst
17. Praunheimer Werkstätten gemeinnützige GmbH: trip to amusement park
18. Nachsorgeteam Rückenwind: programs for siblings of disabled children
19. SG 01 Hoechst e.V.: support for youth team
20. Peña Flamenca los Cabales: new dance clothing
Unterliederbach district:
21. Gesangverein Liedertafel “Worzel”: choir practice weekend and concert
22. Verein Caritas der Gemeinde St. Johannes: church in nature – the adventure of faith
23. Katholische Pfarrei St. Johannes: church courtyard atmosphere
24. Verein der Freunde und Förderer der evangelischen Kindertagesstätte am Liederbach e.V.: music and language (music education for young children)
25. Höchster Tennis- und Hockey-Club 1899 e.V.: repair of 2 field hockey goals for the HTHC youth hockey team
26. Sportschützenverein 1955: laser training system
27. Freundes- und Förderkreis der DPS: replace the roof for the barbecue station
28. Karl-Leo Schneeweis-Stiftung: Unterliederbach stories
29. Musikverein Unterliederbach e.V.: music stands with club banners
30. VfB Unterliederbach: soccer balls and summer camp
31. Vereinsring Unterliederbach e.V.: furniture for the Unterliederbach umbrella organization’s clubhouse
32. Förderverein Freunde der Walter Kolb Schule e.V.: teaching materials for science classes
33. Kleingartenverein Unterliederbach e.V.: construction of a new club office
34. Nachbarschaftsverein Unterliederbach e.V.: painting class – my district / my home
35. Freie Kinderschule Unterliederbach: children’s swimming lessons
36. Turngemeinde Unterliederbach 1887 e.V.: mirrored wall
37. Schachclub Frankfurt-West e.V.: replacement chess clocks
38. AWO Perspektiven gGmbH Schulbetreuung an der Walter-Kolb-Schule: construction and painting of a garden shed
39. Förderverein der Ludwig-Erhard-Schule: meeting place for students of Ludwig-Erhard-Schule
Representatives of the funded projects conducted by clubs, schools, preschools and institutions in Höchst and Unterliederbach, along with Wolfhart Burdenski, Head of Human Resources at Infraserv Höchst and a member of the advisory board. © Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG, 2017
Wolfhart Burdenski presents Karl Leo Schneeweis from Freundes- und Förderkreis der Deutschen Pfadfinderschaft St. Georg with a donation to renovate the club’s facility near the Unterliederbach train station.
© Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG, 2017
Headquartered in Frankfurt, Germany, Infraserv Höchst operates advanced infrastructure for companies in the chemical, pharmaceutical and related process industries. Infraserv Höchst leverages its experience and capabilities in site operation, management and consulting to deliver site excellence for its customers. The company, which operates sites such as Industriepark Höchst, offers services in utilities, waste management, logistics and site services.
The wholly owned subsidiaries in the Infraserv Höchst Group include Infraserv Logistics and Provadis Partner für Bildung und Beratung.
Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG has 1,800 employees and 132 trainees on its payroll. The Infraserv Höchst Group has 2,500 employees and 162 trainees. In 2016, Infraserv Höchst and its subsidiaries generated approx. EUR 1.1 billion in non-consolidated revenues.
Industriepark Höchst is home to around 90 companies in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, basic and specialty chemicals, crop protection, food additives and services. Some 22,000 people come to work at Industriepark Höchst. The site covers 460 hectares (1,137 acres); 50 hectares (123 acres) are still available for use. The companies at the park invested around EUR 341 million in the site in 2016. Total investment since 2000 amounts to roughly EUR 6.99 billion.
All of Infraserv Höchst's press releases and pictures are available online at www.infraserv.com. To contact our press hotline, call +49 69 305-5413.
The wholly owned subsidiaries in the Infraserv Höchst Group include Infraserv Logistics and Provadis Partner für Bildung und Beratung.
Infraserv GmbH & Co. Höchst KG has 1,800 employees and 132 trainees on its payroll. The Infraserv Höchst Group has 2,500 employees and 162 trainees. In 2016, Infraserv Höchst and its subsidiaries generated approx. EUR 1.1 billion in non-consolidated revenues.
Industriepark Höchst is home to around 90 companies in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, basic and specialty chemicals, crop protection, food additives and services. Some 22,000 people come to work at Industriepark Höchst. The site covers 460 hectares (1,137 acres); 50 hectares (123 acres) are still available for use. The companies at the park invested around EUR 341 million in the site in 2016. Total investment since 2000 amounts to roughly EUR 6.99 billion.
All of Infraserv Höchst's press releases and pictures are available online at www.infraserv.com. To contact our press hotline, call +49 69 305-5413.